Reservoir Department

This Department shall undertake the following tasks and functions:

            1. Consideration of performance of fields and reservoirs.
            2. Participation in consideration of work programs and annual development budgets of companies.
            3. Participation in consideration of the new fields to identify the probable and verified reservoir reserve.
            4. Updating field reservoir models according to new developments.
            5. Participation in the feasibility study of drilling of development wells and presentation of competent recommendations.
            6. Revision and updating of reserve of all fields annually.
            7. participation,  preparation of fields production plans.
            8. participation or giving opinion, in fields productivity forecasts.
            9. coordination of its activity with other General Department in the Sector
            10. proposing training needs in the field of its activity and achievement.
            11. presentation of reports on its activities.
            12. Any other tasks entailed by the nature of its functions.