Deputy Chairman for Exploration Affairs

The Deputy of the Authority for Exploration Affairs shall undertake, under the supervision of the Chairman, the following tasks and functions:

        1. Direct supervision over the General Departments Affiliated to the sector, guiding them and evaluating theirperformance
        2. Preparation of the Draft Annual plan of the Sector and setting up the programs that are necessary for their implementation.
        3. Improvement and simplification of work procedures in the sector to facilitate the work of the agencies engaging in the field of exploration.
        4. Presentation of proposals for improving work technologies to promote the works of the Board in filed of exploration
        5. Supervision over preparation of studies relating to open and relinquished exploration blocks, pursuant to the variable data and presentation of reports on them.
        6. Consideration of the reports of Technical and Consultative Operation Committees ,discussing them with those competent and presenting remarks on them.
        7. Following up procedures of applications of Companies engaging in the field of exploration with regard to any relinquishment ,extension or withdrawal ,pursuant to the competent agreements.
        8. Signing import License of all materials submitted by companies engaging in the field of exploration and presentation of the same to the Chainman for approval pursuant to the competent agreements.
        9. Following up implementation of exploration works.
        10. Coordination of sectors activities with the Production sector, whenever necessary.
        11. Proposing the sector’s training and qualification needs.
        12. Presentation of regular reports on the sector’s activities and its achievement.
        13. Any other tasks entailed by the nature of his tasks or whatever tasks entrusted to him by the Chairman.