- The second biggest blocks Yemen.
- It's located in (Masila-Sya'un) basin, with area of 1,257 Km2.
- Block (14) is operated by Canadian Nexen petroleum Company- Canadian company.
- The main reservoirs in the block are (Qishn clastic), (Saar clastic & Saar carbonate, Basil sand), (Madbi carbnate) in addition to Basement rocks.
- partners in the Production Sharing Agreement with the Yemeni government are:
Nexen (52%)
CCC (10%)
Occidental (38%).
- In General it contains 16 fields with an average production of (130,000) BOPD.
- The total number of wells ware 568 until Jan. 2007.
- The block is connected with the export Terminal of ASShihr in Hadhramout province by pipeline (long of 138 Km and 24 inches diameter), with maximum capacity of 350,000 BOPD.
- The produced oil is intermediate oil in the different fields with a density between (28-32 API) for the main reservoirs, whereas is light oil in basement rocks with (41 API).