Production Depatment

This Department shall undertake the following tasks and functions:

          1. Consideration of wells selection program, giving and presenting advice on them.
          2. Participation in consideration of surface equipment designs and monitoring their performance.
          3. Consideration of production operations, monitoring their performance and presentation of recommendations on them.
          4. Participation in discussion of work programs and budgets of companies engaging in the field 01 production.
          5. Participation in consideration of production policies and analysis of wells performance.
          6. Consideration of production problems and proposing appropriate technical remedies therefore.
          7. Consedration completion program of development wells in accordance me budget allocated for them; following up implementation and registration of results.
          8. Preparation of graphic records on production of all wells and oil fields.
          9. Following up collection and processing of crude oil and gas injection
          10. Monitoring and following up quarterly and annual maintenance program of wells and surface facilities.
          11. Preparation and presentation of daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual repots on the performance     of production facilities, pump stations, pipelines, crude oil tanks  and export facilities.
          12. Preparation of a report on the performance level of field personnel on regular basis.
          13. Consideration of production reports of operating companies and presentation of comments on them.
          14. Performance of technical studies on production operations and  presentation of  commendations on them.
          15. Proposing specialized programs for distribution of work among engineers.
          16. consideration of reports on petroleum (oil) and gas production plans submitted by operating companies and presentation of opinion on them.
          17. Coordination of its activities with the other Departments of the General Department.
          18. Proposing its training needs in the field of its activity.
          19. Presentation of regular reports on its activities and achievement.
          20. Any other tasks entailed by the nature of its functions.